Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Moving to Seattle

As the title says...I am MOVING to Seattle! Not visiting, not flying through but actually living there and working there till least. It's kind of crazy how it all happened and awesome to see God's hand in it. So, I'll try to keep the story short but there are no guarantees that it will be.

It all started after I got back from Seattle after my spring break. After I found out that the Air Force was delaying my EAD till at least October 1st, I had to start looking for jobs. Started looking in North Carolina where my parents live but then someone suggested that I look in Seattle. I didn't really take them seriously at first but the more I thought about it, the more I liked the sound of it. The big issue about the whole Seattle thing was finding a job and a place to live (Seattle is kind of expensive). If I worked in North Carolina I could live with my parents for free and work. I'd make more money in Seattle but have to spend more so was this just a pipe dream or something more. Ever since I started thinking about this idea I started praying to God that he would show me what He wanted me to do this summer. I didn't want to just do my own thing and not be in His will so I trusted in Him that He would show me where to go. I started applying for jobs in both Seattle and Fayetteville mostly bike shops, but Starbucks, Best Buy and others as well.

So this is where the crazy part starts. 6 hours after I fax my resume and application in to this bike shop in Seattle I get a call from them, my first phone interview. They really liked me and told me their service manager would be calling me within the next couple of days to interview me on my technical bike repair skills. I go a week without hearing from them and I start to worry. All this while I am not hearing anything from any other jobs in both places. I call my first interviewer for this bike shop up and ask if they are still interested in me and if the manager was going to call me. She says they are still really interested in me but the manager has just been really busy. This same week I started looking for place to rent in Seattle just in case I got a job there. Sarah pointed me to the message board on her church's website. I put a post there saying I am looking for a room to rent and hope that I get a response. I began praying that if it was God's will for me to move to Seattle that I could find a place around $300 a month because that is all I could afford. Near the end of the week I get another call from the bike shop...this one is the big one! Short little interview about my skills and then they tell me they want me to come out, build a bike for them (easy) and I have the job! Only 30 minutes later I decide to sign on to the message board where I posted about renting a room. I had just gotten a response saying the person had a room guessed it...$300 a month!!! If that is not God opening a door for me and saying this is where you should go then I don't know what is. I find out that I have a job and a place to stay all within an hour of each other plus the exact amount for rent that I had been praying for...WOW!

I'm just excited now to see what God has for me in Seattle. I move out there the third week of should take me about 4-5 days for driving, just depends on how many hours I drive a day. If Sarah had her way I'd be taking 6-7 days to get out there (she is just looking out for me) but I just want to go ahead and get out there and get the drive over with. So yea, call me to keep me awake, it will be greatly appreciated :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Last Mountain Biking Trip in Florida

I went to Alafia State Park today for my last mountain bike trip. It was amazing, my bike was feeling really good today with everything tuned perfect plus I was on top of my game hitting air and tweeking it like nobodies business. It was incredibly hot outside though, around 95 degrees with 85% humidity. Here is a picture of us before we headed out:
Here is me hitting a sweet is really blurry because Ryan the camera man is shaky
Here is us at Five Guys on our way home...I love this place :)

This was a sweet trip and I am going to miss these mountain bike trails. That is until I start mountain biking in Washington...that is going to be crazy!!