Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sounders Game!

I went to my first professional soccer game today! Had to teach Sarah a little about soccer before we went so she would enjoy it more and she totally caught on! It was funny to see her answering her parents questions about what was going on and this was her first soccer game ever! It was the Seattle Sounders versus the Scottish Celtics. We ended up losing 1-2 but I think the game would of ended differently of the ref didn't give that red card. Georgios Samaras had the advantage and scored the goal fair and square, there was no reason for the penalty kick and especially the red card. It was sweet to see Georgios Samaras, who I saw in the world cup, in real life on the Celtics team. He was a forward on Greece's team. Here are some pictures from the game!

Opening ceremonies

First touch of the game!

Sarah and I in our Sounders attire!

We had an awesome time and totally plan on going to more games :)

Monday, July 12, 2010


I went on my first geoduck (pronounced 'gooey duck') hunt yesterday with Sarah and Jess. It was AWESOME! It was a great chance to find geoducks because of the -3.0 tide at Fort Flagler.

We left mad early in the morning, around 5:45am after staying up till midnight preparing for the trip. For our caisson we had to buy a metal trash can and then figure out how to cut out the bottom without any kind of hack saw...a hammer and chisel was our idea, haha. It actually worked great! We started in Sarah's back yard around 10pm and then realized that we might get a noise complaint banging on a trash can with a hammer and chisel so we brought everything out to Mag Park to do the cutting. Sarah and Jess held the trash can as I banged on the trash can with the hammer and chisel with our only light from the headlights on Jess's car. It took a while but we finally cut the bottom out!

We decided to just drive around instead of take the ferry because we could actually make it there faster, for less money, and we could start digging sooner. The tide would be fully out at 10 am and we make it at 9am which gave us time to set up...then off to hunting. I'll let pictures do the talking of our geoduck hunting adventures :)

After geoducking we had lunch and decided we wanted to make s'mores so we bought all the stuff including these giant marshmallows and made them!

After lunch we saw this cool fort and Sarah and I went to go take pictures of the place. Most of it was pretty boring until we found a tunnel that at the deepest point was pitch black and had to use Sarah's flash on her camera to make it through...the flash made it very horror film like...expecting something to pop out in between flashes.                                                                                             

After we finished here we found Sarah's grandparent's old cabin where she has a ton of memories. From the pictures I have seen before everything looked pretty close to the same besides the drive in and Sarah went around taking pictures of everything for her grandma. Good thing the current owners weren't there...we were totally trespassing, haha. 

We then headed home from there, hitting traffic, going in circles because of my GPS and then finally making it back at about 8pm. A nice long day of fun...hopefully we do it again soon!

Lastly I would like to point out that I am slowly becoming more and more a seattlelite...I had Starbucks twice in one day :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Pro Baseball Game

I went to my first pro baseball game today! Go Mariner's!! It was against the Yankee's and we lost but it was still a great time! Here are some pics from the game

Sarah, her parents, and I waiting for the game to start

First pitch of the game!

Sarah and I trying to get the game in the background :)

A sweet shot of Safeco lit up with the Seattle skyline in the background