Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sounders Game!

I went to my first professional soccer game today! Had to teach Sarah a little about soccer before we went so she would enjoy it more and she totally caught on! It was funny to see her answering her parents questions about what was going on and this was her first soccer game ever! It was the Seattle Sounders versus the Scottish Celtics. We ended up losing 1-2 but I think the game would of ended differently of the ref didn't give that red card. Georgios Samaras had the advantage and scored the goal fair and square, there was no reason for the penalty kick and especially the red card. It was sweet to see Georgios Samaras, who I saw in the world cup, in real life on the Celtics team. He was a forward on Greece's team. Here are some pictures from the game!

Opening ceremonies

First touch of the game!

Sarah and I in our Sounders attire!

We had an awesome time and totally plan on going to more games :)

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