Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Downhill Mountain Biking Experience

Today I went down to Crystal Mountain, right next to Mt Rainier, to go downhill mountain biking. I had never done it before so I was a little nervous but really excited. The stupid thing about Crystal Mountain is that you aren't allowed to take the bikes with you on the ski lift so you have to hike 2 hours up the mountain to get to the top for only 30 minutes down the mountain. Our calves were burning like crazy when we got to the top so we took a little break then went down. Two minutes in we were going through this really loose, rocky section and I got a pinch flat...sucked but changed it and off we were again. The next 28 minutes was some of the most fun I have ever had on my mountain bike. There were a couple of slow techy sections in the beginning and then a super fast section in the middle, drifting around every turn, hitting little jumps, dodging roots....everything you can think of. The middle section was by far the best part. Next was a couple more techy sections, a really dusty party where I couldn't see the trail in front of me because of my friends, and then the last part which was just a wide open down hill where I probably hit about 30 mph. I almost ate it bad when I hit a rock at the beginning of that last section but I caught myself just in time. Below are some pictures of the trip.

Climbing the mountain (This is a really steep section)
Taking a breather...Chris showing off his new gloves
Another breather
Yet another
Chris found the keys to...
This bulldozer
The Top
View of the beginning of the trail down the side of the mountain
Right before we head down...that should be Mt Rainier behind me
Speeding down the mountain

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Night Seattle Skyline

Tonight I took Sarah to a musical called "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying". Matt, one of the guys I work with at the bike shop, in his other life is a musician and conductor and was conducting the orchestra for this musical. It was an awesome show, great acting and really funny...Sarah and I really enjoyed it. Well after the show and on the way back we found a spot with a really nice view of the Seattle Skyline and we decided to stop and take some pictures. Here they are:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Camping - The Second Try

Our second try at camping was two weeks later and we got smart this time, leave on Thursday to guarantee a spot. Funny thing, only three camping sites were left when we got there...we made it just in time. Sarah and Jess were able to get Friday off but I wasn't able too but that meant I had to drive back to Seattle on Friday to work then come back after work was over.

The camping spot we found was sweet, a little slanted but good overall. Here are some pictures.

The first night there was the peak of the Pleiades Meteor Shower so we brought a tarp and blanket to lay out under the stars to watch. It was the most AMAZING meteor shower I have every seen! We were seeing 2-3 a minute for a little while with at least 1 a minute the whole time we were out there. Sorry, no pictures though....kind of hard to take pictures of stars.

Friday night I cooked chicken and potatoes for all of us.

Saturday, we geocached all day. Even tootk a dip in the Pudget that was cold!

Me sliding down a steep hill after climbing it in sandals to get a geocaches 
Cleaning off  after sliding down the hill in the 60 degree Pudget Sound
Enjoying the beach and sun!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Camping - The First Try

So Jess, Sarah, and I decide to go camping because...well...we just felt like it. We spent days figuring out where we want to go, starting with a spot in the Olympic Mountains and ending up at Camano Island (the girls really wanted showers). The bad thing about the state of Washington is that you can't make reservations at about 95% of the camp grounds and the 5% you can make reservations for are always booked. That week Sarah and I bought fishing licenses because we really wanted to catch at least one of our meals. Long story short...we didn't catch anything. We test our luck driving up Friday night after I get off of work to see if we can grab a spot...there are like 85 camping sites so we should be good...right?

We make it to the campgrounds all excited and turn in the the first section of about 40 camp sites. I'm driving through really slow in hopes of spotting that one open one. I start to get a sinking feeling after we make it through the first 40 sites with people already there but I shrugged it off because there are still 45 left. Needless to say, all the spots were full. We didn't want to leave yet though because I had printed off a star chart so we could sit out and look at the stars and know what we were looking at. We found a spot down near the water with a clear view of the sky and no lights, a perfect spot. We have trouble getting our bearings but as soon as we found the big dipper everything started to fall into place. It was so much fun...until a cop comes and says if we aren't campers we aren't allowed to be in this area after dark. He totally ruins our night vision too with his bright spot light.

So on the way back we decide that we aren't going to give up on camping since my car was already packed. After exhausting all other ideas we ended up camping...guess Sarah's back yard. Here are pictures to prove it.

We had a ton of fun for camping in the back yard...totally worth it :)