Monday, August 16, 2010

Camping - The Second Try

Our second try at camping was two weeks later and we got smart this time, leave on Thursday to guarantee a spot. Funny thing, only three camping sites were left when we got there...we made it just in time. Sarah and Jess were able to get Friday off but I wasn't able too but that meant I had to drive back to Seattle on Friday to work then come back after work was over.

The camping spot we found was sweet, a little slanted but good overall. Here are some pictures.

The first night there was the peak of the Pleiades Meteor Shower so we brought a tarp and blanket to lay out under the stars to watch. It was the most AMAZING meteor shower I have every seen! We were seeing 2-3 a minute for a little while with at least 1 a minute the whole time we were out there. Sorry, no pictures though....kind of hard to take pictures of stars.

Friday night I cooked chicken and potatoes for all of us.

Saturday, we geocached all day. Even tootk a dip in the Pudget that was cold!

Me sliding down a steep hill after climbing it in sandals to get a geocaches 
Cleaning off  after sliding down the hill in the 60 degree Pudget Sound
Enjoying the beach and sun!

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