Wednesday, March 10, 2010

God's work in my life

Ok, so this is my first blog post ever! Life is going really good right now. God has been teaching me so much these past couple of months, to trust Him with everything, to listen to the Holy Spirit, to pray without is awesome! I've been reading this book called Crazy Love, by Francis Chan, and it has been very convicting. Basically, he just talks about how the church has become more of religious practice than a relationship, how people go to church, don't curse, give to the needy and think that this is all God made them to be. Read James 2:14-26 and Ephesians 3:14-21. First, from James, faith without works is dead...period. You can't just talk the talk and act like a Christian, you have to actually bear fruit and have faith. Second Paul in Ephesians basically says that Christ is waiting to dwell in your hearts to give you strength and knowledge to understand "how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ." Do you really just want to sit on the sidelines going through the motions and miss out on the vastness of Christ's love and His power that is at work within us? I sure don't.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Blair,

    Great to hear about God's work in your life. Glad that you are being rocked by Cray Love. Sometime when you get a chance you should check out Francis was the keynote speaker and it rocked my face off.

