Thursday, March 11, 2010

Last Spring Break :(

Wow...I can't believe in 18 hours my last spring break ever starts. It's kind of sad to think about it, next year this time I will be working away, not even thinking about that week off I've gotten off every year since I was 6.

I have to say, I have had some pretty memorable spring breaks though. Every spring break in high school was amazing! My youth group in Okinawa, Japan had a retreat called Shorebreak every spring break and we'd take a ferry out to Tokashiki Island. What an awesome place to see the beauty of His creation and worship Him.

College was just as fun, no awesome trips to tropical islands in the pacific but plenty of beach to go around. Living 10 minutes from the beach does have its perks ;) BBQs everyday after spending the day just chilling at the beach, body surfing, playing volleyball, ultimate frisbee and tackle football. This was my time to work on my tan and let me tell you, by the end of spring break, I was tan like nobody's business :) That was the life, one week where you have no worries, no just go out and be spontaneous, do whatever pops into your mind.

This last spring break though will probably be the best of them have to go out with a bang right? First, I go back to my parents home for the last time before I head out to Kirtland AFB. I do get the see them again when I graduate but this is the last time home with them. Then I head out to Seattle, WA...pretty far from the warm sunny beaches of Florida I know, but this will be worth it. Going to see my friend Sarah who lives out there and we have an awesome list in the works of things to do...sorry, you'll have to wait till my next post after spring break to know what's on the list ;) Thankfully, she found her passport, which she thought was lost, so we will still be able to go to Canada! I have never been, so I am really excited! I know Toronto is a long way away but the movie Canadian Bacon will be playing over and over again in my head :) Wait...should put that movie on the list...done!

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