Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Day of College!!

Today was my last day of my undergraduate career! The end of it was amazing, no finals, no papers, just a little presentation were I spoke for less than 5 minutes. What a way to go out :)  I decided to get a group picture with my composites group in my senior design project with us holding a bunch of our composite work over the year so here it is:

I can't believe that it is over now. I really don't even think it has fully hit me yet. I went around after class today high fiving everyone I saw...people I knew and even people I didn't know just because I was so excited. People were really getting into it with someone running over just to give me a high five at one point. All I have left is comissioning in 11 days and graduation in 12. Wow, I can't believe I am going to finally be a graduate! This is awesome!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soup Night

I got this recipe from the Cutter family when I was in Seattle because it was crazy delicious when Susan made it! I decided to try to make it myself tonight and wow, it was awesome! Didn't quite have the Cutter family touch to it though. Thanks for the recipe :)

So, I'm going to take you through my cooking experience with pictures and first, here is the preparation

Once I had everything ready I followed the recipe and this is what it looked like right before I let it simmer. It looked awesome and smelled even better :)

The coolest part of this meal is the ciabatta bread! You toast it in the oven with olive oil and garlic, then cut it into pieces to line the bottom of the bowl and put the soup on top of it. The bread soaks up the soup and tastes amazing! This last picture is the final product!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Last Dining Out in AFROTC

Well, tonight was my last Dining Out. Kind of sad but on the other hand pretty exciting. My next Dining Out I will be a 2nd LT in the USAF!! How crazy is that! I gathered all of my class together for a picture at the end of the night :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pink shirts and bicycles

So, Sarah and I are talking on Saturday and some how it comes up that I have a ton of blue shirts, probably about 80% of my shirts are blue...this is because it makes my eyes look really blue :)

Here is an example

Sarah decides that I should get a pink shirt to spice up my wardrobe collection and she thinks it would look good on me. I, on the other hand, did not agree but then did something I shouldn't of done...make a deal with her. I have been trying to get her to do this dance for the longest time...long story...anyways, positive that she won't do it for me, I told her that I'd get a pink shirt and wear it all day if she did the dance. I just forgot to specify one little thing...that I had to see her do the dance. You can figure out what happened...she did the dance, I didn't see it, and I had to get the pink shirt anyways.

So here it is

Believe it or not I think I pulled it off really well. I had multiple compliments at school today! Sarah's eye for fashion came through with a win :)

Later in the afternoon I decided to go on a road bike ride with some friends. These are the guys that I will ride with if I end up doing that 200 mile bike ride from Seattle to Portland in July.

Here I am getting ready to head out

I met my friends at school and we headed out from there.

It was a pretty sweet ride. The weather was really nice, as you can see...but it was really windy. The first half we had the wind on our backs and were averaging 25 mph but when we turned back into the wind...totally different story. The minute we turned to corner our speed dropped to about 16 mph and we averaged that the rest of the way back. Really enjoyed the ride and plan on doing it more everyday, to prepare for the 200 mile ride. I can't wait!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

When gardening pays off...literally :)

Today is Thursday and that means no school and no work! My green thumb started throbbing so I decided to go out on this beautiful, sunny, 85 degree day and do yard work. It ended up being like 5 hours of yard work, but when I was finished it looked amazing. 

I started with pulling weeds in the front yard, were there a lot of weeds. Most of the weeds were dollar weeds and they are super annoying. If you don't stay on top of these guys they can make some intricate root networks which make them really hard to get rid of. Easiest way I found to destroy them was to dig your hand under the root system and sift the dirt till the roots were on top. So I was doing this for about an hour then got to one of the bushes. As I dug my had under and started to sift I noticed what looked to be money. I pulled it out of the dirt and it was a $20 bill! I was so excited I got up and did a little dance...glad no one was watching ;) 

So by the end of the day I had weeded, mowed, weed-eated, raked and blew everything away with my blower...and got paid $20!!! Totally worth it :)  

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Beach Day!

So I decided to go to the beach again today...three times in one week, I'm on a roll :)

As you can see it was a beautiful day! I took advantage of the sun and got a tan :)

I love sand in my toes!

There was a wedding at the beach that was getting set up!

Me in the cold Atlantic Ocean, hopefully it warms up soon so I can go out and body surf :)

I live in a beautiful place!

This is how burnt I got