Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Road Trip to Seattle (Day 1)

Ok, so this trip was so epic that I have to split the blog posts so I can talk about each day. First off I thank God for giving me this amazing opportunity to drive cross-country. The trip was all by myself and me being a total people person I thought it was going to be tough but it wasn't really. Gave me lots of time to pray (with my eyes open of course), worship with singing (I could sing as loud and as bad as I wanted to because no one was around), and a chance to experience the awesomeness and beauty of His creation.

The trip took a totally of 5 days of driving with about 10 hours of driving a day. I broke the trip up even more with two things...geocaching (one in each state) and a list from Sarah of something to do in each state along the way. Between those two things the trip went pretty quickly because it gave me something to look forward to that was only a couple hours away instead of 48 hours away.

So day one had 4 states in it, I started in North Carolina where found my first geocache

and found the first thing on the list, a place called Korner's Folly.

 The next State was Virginia, I drove through probably the skinniest part of the state found a geocache and then left, no list items in this state.

Next was West Virigina, I was kind of worried about crazy hicks but I didn't see any so I was safe, haha.
Next thing on the list was doing a cartwheel in Cato Park so I very 'skillfully' took a picture of myself doing a cartwheel for proof ;) I thought it was pretty good, hehe. I also found the geocache here, pretty easy one.

My last state of the day was Ohio.
I found the geocache after I checked into WPAFB Lodging which was really nice for a hotel room, here are some pictures. 
The next day I tried to find the Blair Hall Theater here in Ohio but it was pouring rain and I didn't want to get in my car soaking wet for the rest of the day so I had to skip it.

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