Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Road Trip to Seattle (Day 4)

The longest day of the trip by far. The GPS was telling me like 11:30 of driving plus stops put me at about 13 hours before I get to Missoula, MT. The beginning was pretty unsuccessful as well. Wyoming was the only place I didn't find a geocache, and the next thing on the list went out of business so I couldn't go. Pretty depressing until I started looking around at the scenery...WOW! This day and the next day was probably the most beautiful part of the trip.

Right before getting into Wyoming the land started to look like this

Then I got to Wyoming

and is started to look like this
Then I got to Montana
and it started to look like this
When I saw that I couldn't believe my eyes...they were the biggest mountains I have ever seen...ok Mt Rainier is bigger but this is still breathtaking.

I ran out of room on my camera's memory card soon after this picture which sucked because I saw a lot more cool stuff. I ended up just waiting till I got to Missoula to buy a new one which I used for my last day. I did take some pictures of were I stayed though.
I found my geocache here was in a children's playground which made it a little weird because I was this random man walking into a children's playground with a GPS unit snooping around. These two ladies and their kids left as soon as I walked in, pretty sure it was because I showed up...oh well.

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