Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Road Trip to Seattle (Day 2)

Left bright an early from the base, probably around 7am. It was pouring rain which made traffic in Dayton, OH mad slow, so it wasn't a good start to the day. Once I got out of the city though, I got up to speed and was off to my next stop for the night in Waterloo, IA.

The next state I went through was Indiana.

Sorry for those who are from Indiana but it is a pretty boring state besides Indianapolis. The city was awesome though and I really enjoyed my stop by the Medal of Honor memorial.
I also found my next geocache very close to here, just a quick park and grab.

From there, I headed to Illinois.
 Sorry residents of Illinois, this state is even more boring than Indiana.

I found the next thing on the list though which was the John Phillips Sousa Museum and Library. Didn't go inside because it a raining here but I did find out a little about the guy. First and foremost he invented the sousaphone ;) He was born Nov 6, 1854 and is most known for composing music, mainly marches. I love to play his music.

I found the next geocache as well under the little bridge over a creek.

The last state of the day was Iowa. I really enjoyed this one because the sun finally came out, landscape was just a little more exciting...and by a little I mean a very, very small amount.

First stop here was an Episcopal church right inside the Iowa boarder. Wasn't quite sure why at the time but Sarah wanted a picture of the front door.

Come to find out her brother-in-law, an episcopal priest, told her that all or at least most episcopal churches have red front doors which is a tradition and an identifying factor of episcopal churches. She just wanted me to check a random episcopal church and see if it had a red you can see, it does.

Next stop in the state was at the Czech Village in Ceder Rapids.

Leaving here, this big building caught my eye and I had to stop and find out what it was.
Come to find out it is the big POW/MIA memorial. It was closed for renovations at the time but still thought this was pretty cool.

I finally got to my camping spot for the night in Waterloo. God is awesome and blessed me with an awesome spot right next to the river. Didn't have any firewood, and every spot I checked was out so I ended up eating Subway for dinner. Before Subway though I went out and found my next geocache which ended up sending me down this crazy path on some dirt roads but I still found it :)

After dinner I went on a picture taking craze. I took pictures of the camp site, the river, and of where I ended up going mountain biking for like an hour. Here are a few of them:
Soon after the sun set, I went to bed.

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